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MTC drop off, October 2, 2013 |
Hey everyone, I'm so amazed at this experience, it's hard to describe, but the best way I can think is that I would be overwhelmed completely if the Lord didn't bolster up his missionaries in every way imaginable. Everything has a time, a place and a schedule here, and if you miss something, it doesn't hurt anyone but you. Thankfully I haven't missed or been late to anything, and I don't intend to.:)
I don't have my camera attachment with me, or else I would be sending you guys my first batch of MTC pics! I'm in the ***** building on the fourth floor with my whole Zone, which consists of every missionary going to: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovenska Republica, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Hertzogovenia, and Turkey! Guess how many people that is?!? 20. Yeah, I'm part of an extremely select group. I have 2 companions, and the 3 of us make up our district.:) My companions are Starší C. from Hurricane Utah, and Starší A. from St. George. I love these brothers so much. A. is our district leader for the first 3 weeks, and I'm Senior companion the first 3 weeks (we just rotate), and it's amazing that in 3 days we've already been receiving inspiration that makes our companionship better. They are both so strong in the gospel, it's unbelievable, but they've only made my testimony stronger as well. I'm so impressed at how fast us 3 elders, and the 1 sister, Cestra S., have been learning Slovak. I'm the only one learning multiple languages in the whole MTC!!! I found out 2 days ago that my 3 hours of language class every day is split up into 1.5 hours in with Brat Z., moje Ucitel for Slovak, and Brata F., mou Ucitel' for Czech. These languages are so pure, it's amazing the testimonies that you can build when the words are simpler and more prone to multiple meanings. I'm humbled every time that I am in the classroom (and I'm there 90% of the time cause we're supposed to be whenever we study, even when class isn't in session). We have a fairly new program called SYL or speak your language, in which, our teachers never speak English to us. We have to basically fight and give ourselves headaches every class every time he says a new word just to figure out what it means based on sight, sound, and pronunciation. He gives us clues, but he can't just tell us, you know? And the gift of tongues is real. I'm progressing so quickly in both!
The food here is not very good unfortunately. It's better than school lunch, but I'm used to a bit more of a higher standard...=S Also, for those of you considering serving missions, STAY AWAY FROM THE ORANGE JUICE! I was very tempted cause I love orange juice, but I took the advice of wiser elders and didn't drink it, one of our Czech missionaries, Starší B. didn't get off the toilet the whole first day, I swear.
Today I got my first batch of mail, and guess what was in it?!?!?! You guessed it, no letters.;) Haha, I'm not sad though, cause I got a HUGE package from my mom and dad with the sweetest letters and some homemade cookies and some sugar cookie pop tarts, I'm so excited to share with my companions! Thank you all so much for your love and support, I hope that it continues because the Lord knows I need it.
Milujem T'cha (I love you with all my being),
Starší Christopher Brousseau
I'm impressed and happy to hear that you are "digging in". There's no time for homesickness or loneliness, is there? And NO time wasted! You are in our thoughts and prayers. We thank you for sharing your blog and updates with us.
ReplyDeleteWe love you. G & G Burton
Love you, Chris!
ReplyDeleteWe sure love reading your letters and we are excited to see you go out into the field, our love and prayers go with you .
ReplyDeleteWe are in Vermont and we have had opportunity to share with family what you are about to embark on, they are very happy you are excited about your service to the Lord. They are proud of you and send their love and best wishes! Safe travel Chris and knock the socks off those you come in contact with!
Love you,
Grandma and Grandpa Brousseau
Happy thanksgiving! We are grateful for you ! Love Grandpa and Grandma Brousseau