Haha, for those of you wondering about the title (That is...if Google translate does things like it should...) That's right. Transfers again. 1 Week early. So much radost (joy). I'm very happy to email you again from Blava, the biggest little city I've every been in. My new companion is Elder R., who's from Provo/Washington State, and actually went to Timpview for school. We're really excited to be together for his last transfer, he was the first missionary to be trained in Banska Bystrica, and I was the second, so that's pretty cool.
Highlights real quick:
W. ALMOST got baptized, and then she got sick, but she passed her interview and everything.
We got to live through a Russian Easter, which was sick.
Conference was amazing, loved Elder Holland, and Uchtdorf, and I've heard that I actually got to understand President Packer better than all of the English listeners, so that's pretty cool.
M. is totally ready for baptism now too, and so it Andrew, so maybe that will be some motivation for our other investigators.
Love Brat P., he's so cool. Used to be the majster slovenska (Slovak Champion) in rowing, how sick is that?
Love you all, have a great week!
Elder Brousseau
Some have wondered why we have taken the names of people out of the blog. It was at the request of the Church in Slovakia. We apologize if this has caused confusion.